Below you can find important tourism events, exhibitions, meeting, and more generally on work-related opportunities.
Impresa Campus UniFI 2023 - free training and coaching course, aimed at spreading the entrepreneurial culture among young people in the university world
For the list of seminars organized within the DSTS courses, check our page on seminars
International conference "Online reputation management in tourism and hospitality", University of Florence, April 13-14, 2023 (conference website)
- Fare Turismo - 2023 edition
Generation4Universities - initiative for young talented university students
Airbnb in Florence: an article on Firenze Today (in italian)
Seize the Summer with EURES 2023: March 9, 2023, Opportunities within Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality and Catering (direct link)
BTO-Be Travel Onlife - 29-30 November, 2 thematic days on Digital tourism, innovation, and training
- HICON (in Italian) - Hospitality Innovation Conference, an event dedicated to innovation and technology in tourism and hospitality
Seminars organized within the Master courses
Agri@tour (in Italian) - Salone nazionale dell'agriturismo e dell'agricoltura multifunzionale, Arezzo
Generation4Universities - initiative for young talented university students
Stage4eu - opportunities for a stage in Europe
HUMAN COMPANY - Digital Career Lab
Event Management Workshop - Info
Youth in Action for SDGs - a call for ideas developped by young people under 30
Four Seasons Hotel - Recruitment days
Impresa Campus UniFI 2022 - free training and coaching course, aimed at spreading the entrepreneurial culture among young people in the university world
BTO-Buy Tourism Online - 4 thematic days on New Frictionless World
Meet LVMH - An oline course through the INSIDE LVMH Platform, structured in 4 modules to be developed in 8 weeks.
HICON (in Italian) - Hospitality Innovation Conference, il primo evento interamente dedicato alle più avanzate tecnologie ed innovazioni in ambito alberghiero
Agri@tour (in Italian) - Salone nazionale dell'agriturismo e dell'agricoltura multifunzionale, Arezzo
Young International Forum (in Italian). Free entrance. International job experience orientation, Tutor area, Workshops, Seminars
Invited seminars within the course on Economics and Management of Agritourism
Event Management Workshop - Info
Invest your talent in Italy - Postgraduate courses on-the-job training scholarship
School of Creativity - two days online event developed around the theme Cultural Heritage and Economic Development, aimed at developing creativity, innovation and initiative.
SUS-TER "Dinamizador/a territorial" course - 2nd edition of the course aiming at developing knowledge, skills and competences to promote and manage sustainable and inclusive processes of territorial enhancement of cultural heritage, products of origin and biodiversity in rural areas.
Online hackthon - Mugello - The purpose of the hackthon is to collect ideas and projects on the small territorial destination, Mugello.
- Impresa Campus Unifi 2020 - a free training and mentoring program, aimed at strengthening your entrepreneurial skills and stimulating the birth of innovative business ideas.
2019 and before
Invest your talent in Italy - Postgraduate courses on-the-job training scholarship
HICON - Hospitality Innovation Conference, December 2018
Agri@tour - national exhibition of agri-tourism and agriculture, Arezzo, 15-16 November
3rd International Conference on Destination Management (pdf), Friday 20 April 2018, Tuscany Region, Sala Pegaso - Strozzi Sacrati Palace, Duomo Square n.10, Florence (conference website)
Convegno sul Turismo Sensoriale (pdf) - Dati, opinioni e senzazioni nella misura del fenomeno turismo: la necessaria integrazione. Venerdì 13 Aprile 2018 - 9,00-13,00 - Polo delle Scienze Sociali, Università di Firenze (Aula D6/001)Youth in Action for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Youth in Action for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - a call for ideas developped by young people under 30
School of Creativity (pdf) - ICT Cultural Heritage, Design of Tourism Systems. March 2018
Career LAB - Meet the company: Carattere Toscano