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Job placement


Interesting and important opportunity offered by LVMH which has been collaborating with our University for some time with important initiatives for our students.

Within the "INSIDE LVMH Platform", the new digital meeting tool for students with LVMH, registrations have opened for the "INSIDE LVMH Certificate", a learning path on LVMH and the luxury industry. All students enrolled in the INSIDE LVMH platform can register by 15 October 2021. The course is structured in 4 modules to be developed in 8 weeks. After passing a final test, students will receive a personalized INSIDE LVMH Certificate. The best students with the highest scores will have the opportunity to complete their learning path with a coaching experience with talent from the LVMH Group.

Other initiatives are promoted by the Employerland organization:
1) October 20, an online event dedicated to working and professional guidance with a focus on Digital and Stem profiles.
2) November 18th #GirlsStem, meetings and Talk with Manager. Students can register by connecting to the website

10 October 2021
UniFI Scuola di Economia e Management Home Page

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