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Stampa la notizia: Generation4Universities


initiative for young talented university students

Generation4Universities is an initiative aimed at young talented university students, to help them express their potential and start a professional career that represents an opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Generation4Universities is directed to students of Italian universities enrolled in the last year of a Master's Degree course, who are on time, intend to graduate by the end of 2022 and have a weighted mean equal or greater than 28/30.

The project consists in a path of accompaniment to work, completely for free for students enrolled in the last year of the master's degree, which includes:

  • an experiential training course focused on soft skills, employability and vocational skills (two weeks at the beginning of May);
  • individual mentorship sessions (in the period between May and the end of July) aimed at professional development
  • a series of professional seminars with Senior Managers of the partner companies of the project.

At the end of the training, students will have the opportunity to meet the partner companies of the project for interviews for internship positions.

All activities will be held online.

The deadline for applying is May, 1st 2022.

For more information, please check the following documents: flyer; description; main info; previous edition

or visit:

We apologize to foreign students, but all material is in Italian.


07 April 2022
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