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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Design of Sustainable Tourism System - Progettazione dei Sistemi Turistici

Food & Wine tourism

Starting from the Academic Year 2022-23 within the Master Program in Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems we propose a thematic track specifically oriented to the “Food and wine tourism”, to enable students to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge on the different tourism forms based on the valorisation of food and wine production in all its facets.

Thanks to the offer of some internships (3-6 months) in leading enterprises of the food and wine sector, this path also promotes a strong integration between the teaching offer of the Master Program and the placement activities of the students involved.

Basically, the path provides:

a. the acquisition of knowledge and competences linked to the food and wine production, their integration with agriculture and agro-food system, and the organization of work and activities in the tourism sector;

b. the possibility to be selected for a long and qualified internship in an important enterprise of this sector;

c. the possibility to participate to other related activities (e.g., tasting tests; food and wine laboratories)




The “Food & Wine Tourism” path is available for all students regularly enrolled.

To participate, students have to include specific exams in their study plan, and they will have the possibility to be selected for the internships.

More details below.




Beside the mandatory exams (as foreseen in the DSTS study plan), students who want to choose the Food and wine tourism path, have to include in their study plan the following exams:

First year

  • Destination Management (9 credits, among the offer of 1st year)

Second Year

  • Food Quality and Culture for Tourism (6 credits, among the offer of 2nd year)
  • Economics and Management of Agritourism (6 credits, among the offer of 2nd year)
  • Tourism and Wine Marketing (9 credits, among the optional exams)
  • Internship (12 credits, selecting 3 credits as B019360 Stage among the lab groups + 9 credits as B005677 Tirocinio Magistrale among the optional exams)



At the beginning of the academic year, we will publish an announcement directed to the 2nd year students for the assignment of available places for internships. Students will be able to indicate their preferences. A specific commission will do a preliminary evaluation of the students’ requests, by considering the achievement of the basic requirements foreseen (see section study plan above).

Within the approved list, the enterprise, in collaboration with a DSTS professor, will select suitable students (personal meetings will be possible). Selection will be approximately in January, and internships will be held in spring, summer, autumn, depending on the enterprise’s request. Internships will follow UniFI rules and regulations.

Please note that the possibility of participating in the internship is conditioned to the selection made by the hosting enterprises, and limited to the extent of available places. In case of exhaustion of internship places, students can replace the stage with another 9-credit exam.


last update: 03-Oct-2022
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