Admission requirements
To be admitted to the Master program, students must possess some curricular requirements and personal competencies.
For both Italian and international students, the following curricular requirements have to be proved:
- having obtained the first-level degree in fields such as social and economic sciences, tourism management, geography, modern languages and cultures, history. For the complete list, please check below (*);
- having acquired at least 6 credits in the economic, management, demographic or statistics fields. For the complete list, please check below (**);
- having at least a B2 level (or native foreign language) in English and another language, other than Italian;
- having acquired credits related to basic knowledge of data processing.
Students having a first-level degree in "L-15 Tourism management" (L-15 Scienze del Turismo) are automatically considered to possess the aforementioned curricular requirements for admission.
If the requirments are not fulfilled you could be asked to provide further documents or to pass single exams.
The requirement of personal competencies is automatically satisfied for students who graduated in Italy with a grade equal of higher than 95/110. If the graduation score is equal to or lower than 94/110, personal competences will be verified through an interview.
For students who graduated abroad, both curricular and personal competencies are assessed following a procedure similar to the one applied to students who graduated in Italy.
If the assessment of the curricular requirements or of personal preparation has relevant gaps, the admission can be denied. The applicant can apply the following year again.
Before applying, please carefully read the list of requirements needed for enrollement, and check the list of documents needed to demonstrate your requirements, specifically:
- English and/or foreign language requirement: only recognized certifications are allowed, check the list here
- computer science requirement: check here how to prepare the self-declaration
- 6 credits in the economic, management, demographic or statistics fields: please provide the list of the exams taken in the bachelor program, with an indication, for the Italian students, of the scientific sector (check the list below)
- how to prepare the interview: check info
- note that NO OTHER documents will be taken into account!
- send the documents in PDF format (no jpeg or any other format)
- the requirements have to be proved before the enrollment
- note that all info are available on the above mentioned wepage. Refer to the instructions reported there, special exceptions requests will not be considered.
* For Italian students, the fields of the admissible second-level degree are identified as follows:
L-1 Beni culturali; L-3 Discipline delle arti figurative, della musica, dello spettacolo e della moda:L-6 Geografia; L-7 Ingegneria civile e ambientale; L-11 Lingue e culture moderne;L-12 Mediazione linguistica; L-16 Scienze dell’amministrazione e dell’organizzazione; L-18 Scienze dell’economia e della gestione aziendale;L-20 Scienze della comunicazione;L-21 Scienze della pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica, paesaggistica e ambientale; L-26 Scienze e tecnologie agro-alimentari; L-32 Scienze e tecnologie per l’ambiente e la natura; L-33 Scienze economiche; L-36 Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali; L-37 Scienze sociali per la cooperazione, lo sviluppo e la pace; L-40 Sociologia; L-41 Statistica; L-42 Storia; L-43 Tecnologie per il restauro dei beni culturali.
For international students, the Committee will evaluate case by case the subsistence of analogous requirements.
** For Italian students, the Committee will consider valid the 6 credits acquired in a course referring to the following scientific sectors: SECS-P/01 economia politica; SECS-P/02 politica economica; SECS-P/03 scienza delle finanze; SECS-P/04 storia del pensiero economico; SECS-P/05 econometria; SECS-P/06 economia applicata; SECS-P/07 economia aziendale; SECS-P/08 economia e gestione delle imprese; SECS-P/09 finanza aziendale; SECS-P/10 organizzazione aziendale; SECS-P/11 economia degli intermediari finanziari; SECS-P/12 storia economica; SECS-P/13 scienze merceologiche; SECS-S/01 statistica; SECS-S/02 statistica per la ricerca sperimentale e tecnologica; SECS-S/03 statistica economica; SECS-S/04 demografia; SECS-S/05 statistica sociale; SECS-S/06 metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie; M-GGR/02 geografia economico-politica; AGR/01 economia ed estimo rurale.
For international students, the Committee will evaluate case by case the subsistence of analogous requirements.