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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Design of Sustainable Tourism System - Progettazione dei Sistemi Turistici

Event Management Workshop

The Event Management Workshop is an initiative born in tha academic year 2020/21 from the collaboration of the Degree Program with two professionals in the Events sector.

The seminars are held by two industry experts and aims to introduce students of the Degree Program to specific operational skills and technical knowledge relating to the organization of an event.
In the meetings, the two guest will present a general overview and development of the sector, also considering the Covid-19 pandemic issues, and discuss with students how to manage tailor made events, to communicate events, and to assess the event's results.

For more details about the content, please check the program here (program and date of the edition 2021/2022, only for information purposes).

In the final meeting, students will present a project work realised by small groups and agreed with the lecturers. Students who will attend all meetings and will do the final project can ask for the recognition of 3 credits.


We plan to replicate the Event Management Lab also in the Academic Year 2022/23.
Information will come as soon as possible.


last update: 05-Aug-2022
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