Submission of the study plan
STUDY PLAN 2022/23:
Study plans can be submitted (or changed):
- October 26 - November 21, 2022 (passed)
- March 26 - April 21 2023
Please carefully read the information below.
For more information, see the web page of the School of Economics and Management dedicated to study plan.
Students are required to fill their study plan during the first year of the master degree program.
Students can submit their study plan through the on-line system accessible on the link, according to the deadlines indicated by UniFI each Academic Year (see below for the instructions).
The on-line procedure is valid for students enrolled in the current and previous academic year, that is for first and second year student (e.g., in 2022 the online procedure is allowed for students enrolled in 2021/22 and in 2022/2023 (2021 and 2022 cohorts. Go to the end of this page for a definition of “cohort”).
Students enrolled before (i.e., students not in their first or second year but in higher years) or included in the following categories have to submit the study plan using the paper form (see below in this page for the instructions):
- students non regularly enrolled in the current Academic Year;
- students enrolled at the third or higher year (the so-called “fuori corso”);
- students with an individual study plan already approved;
- students who are near to graduation and have already submitted a study plan using the paper form.
- students who, after a change, a transfer or a career reduction want to include in the study plan one or more exams not included in the on-line procedure.
If you change your study plan following the standard procedure in November, please consider that you cannot graduate in December. If you intend to graduate in December, you must follow the extraordinary procedure (see below).
The on-line procedure for the study plan submission is available at the link
To use the procedure, students have to be up to date with the payment of tuition fees.
Before starting the procedure, students are strongly encouraged to carefully read the Study Plan submission guide ( - in Italian).
Please also refer to the DSTS webpage about study plans for the list of admissible exams for your cohort, the exams rules and the FAQ.
Remember to PRINT (as pdf file) your study plan once you finish the procedure (at the end of the procedure before the final confirmation you can find the button "stampa"), and to keep it; it may be useful to have a copy in case of future changes.
Students can fill in only once study plan per academic year (in November or in April, not both).
INFORMATION for students who plan to leave for the Erasmus Program:
When filling your study plan, please fill the 18 cfu of optional exams with "potential" exams offered by the University of Florence. Then specify in the "note" section that you plan to go to Erasmus. Once you come back in Italy and your exams have been validated, please fill in a new study plan to include those exams taken abroad and remove the optional exams that you don't need to take.
The procedure for doing this change depends on individual situation (when you are able to do the change and when you plan to graduate. If you need to include exams done abroad for which there is no the correspondig exam in DSTS, you have to follow the extraordinary procedure).
After its registration, a study plan cannot be modified.
If the study plan is rejected by the tutor, the student can submit another plan within May 5.
Students enrolled in their third or higher year, or included in the one of the categories listed above, have to submit the study plan using the paper form. The paper form procedure can be used also by students who need to change the study plan to maintain their scholarship.
It is mandatory to indicate the reason for presenting a study plan in the paper form; on the contrary the request will not be considered.
Students can fill in only once study plan per year.
Paper form study plan submission periods is the same reported above.
- downolad the appropriate paper form here;
fill the form and send it by email to the study plan tutor, Dott. Valentina Tocchioni.
If the paper form for your cohort is not available in the appropriate page, please send an email to request it to
Important: for all communications please always use the institutional email address (
The request of an extraordinary change of the study plan has to be submitted using the appropriate form and presented to the student office.
The request must be adequately motivated explaining the reasons of the exams change and its urgency (e.g., incoming terms for graduation). The Didactic Committee will evaluate the request also considering if it is really necessary and urgent.
For further information, plese check the appropriate section on DSTS website.
Cohort definition
The cohort is the ensemble of students enrolled for the first time, in a given academic year, to a Master Degree Course.
- Example: the students enrolled for the first time at the first year of DSTS in the academic year 2018/19 are the 2018 cohort.
In case of a change/transfer/career reduction, if the student is allowed to enroll to a year following the first one, he/she is assigned to the cohort corresponding to the students of the same year.
- Example: a student who, after a transfer (e.g., from another University or another Master degree) is admitted for the academic year 2018/19 to the second year, will belong to the 2017 cohort.
In the system for the management of students’ careers, the cohort corresponds to the year of regulation.